
How to get to carfree Zermatt!

Zermatt can be reached by train, taxi or helicopter.

Travelling by train?
You arrive at Zermatt’s own rail station in the heart of the village and from there, you simply take an electro-taxi direct to the Ascot-Loft.

Comming by car?
At Täsch, about 5 km from Zermatt, there is a choice of car parks, both covered and outside. The regular shuttle train runs every 20 minutes and takes you to Zermatt rail station. Alternatively and especially if you have a lot of luggage, you can take a valley taxi from Täsch up to Zermatt’s taxi station on the edge of the village and from there, an electro-taxi. The taxi company will help with arrangements for the connection.

The nearest airport is Zürich from where the train journey to Zermatt takes about 3 ½ hours whilst Geneva airport is under 4 hours away by rail. All trains change in Visp.

Timetable SBB
Glacier Express
Matterhorn Gotthard Train
Garage and Taxi Christoph
Garage and Taxi Fredy



Zum Steg 3
3920 Zermatt

Judith Lauber
+41 41 340 05 24
+41 79 755 27 75

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